sent: Mon,
23 Nov 1998 15:02:10
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Intercessors Network <>
the Truth-Teller
Honoring the Truth-Teller
I would like to introduce a three-part article, highlighting a phenomenon causing disturbances and illnesses in the root structures of organisational and relational trees. Dr Roger W. Sapp touches a matter in need of high priority consideration within ordinary church activity as well as in what many call the prophetic movement. The latter includes the intercessors to a certain degree. The matter of truth, truthfulness and the pursuit of truth becomes essential and fundamental in a time where the ground for absolutes is rapidly diminishing. The matter of listening and hearing truly from the Lord becomes crucial to intercessors who want to pray efficiently. Speaking soberly and to the point is the hallmark of a true prophet. The ability to speak prophetically and to pray prophetically as a Church is directly related to our attitude and openness towards truth. The unity Jesus was praying and dying for is neither a unity at any cost, nor a unity that costs nothing. It is a unity that springs forth rather naturally where the Spirit of truth is allowed to manifest. It is a unity that has to be guarded and maintained by the dynamics of the blood of the Cross - dynamics of reconciliation. The unity, the prophetic unity - which is a manifestation of the Spirit of prophecy, the testimony of Jesus - is able to identify motives and roots and is able to correct leavened motives and cut bitter roots. True unity dares to speak up against any deceptive influence in a time when the many are prone to be deceived, in a time when many will be caught by the apostasy spoken about by the New Testament prophets. Truth and unity are indeed costly possessions to the Church and are not easily obtained and maintained in our time.
Lars Widerberg
Meaning of Truth
The Greek word that is translated truth in the New Testament is a
very powerful and meaningful word. It is
alethia. The a (alpha) at the beginning of a Greek word often
means that it is a negation of the rest of the Greek word. For instance, the
English word atheist comes from a- theos which means literally no
god. In the case of alethia the literal
meaning of this word is nothing
hidden. This means that the phrase found in Scripture that describes the Holy
Spirit as the Spirit of Truth literally would be the Spirit who allows
nothing to be hidden. Vine’s Dictionary of New Testament Words defines
this Greek word that is translated
as truth as meaning: The reality lying at the basis of
an appearance, the manifested, veritable essence of a matter.
This definition should inform us that the Spirit of Truth is
always working to move us as believers beyond the appearance of a person,
a matter or an organization
to discover its reality and essence.
Need Truth in Proportion to Influence
The Bible
speaks a great deal about the value of truthfulness in
relationships. The subject of
reproof in Scripture is a good example of this. Only the fool and the wicked
man according to Proverbs cannot hear godly reproof. Reproof is
always the truth as someone else sees it. Consider King David’s words about
his need for those around him to speak to him truthfully from
their perspective: Let the righteous smite me; it shall be a
kindness: and let him reprove me; it shall be an excellent oil,
which shall not break my
head… Psalm 141:5 Our responsibility to hear the
truth from individuals around us grows in proportion to the sphere
of our influence. The larger the influence, the more
we need people around us
to speak their perception of the truth to us and the less likely they
are to do
it. Leaders must teach and emphasize truthfulness or they
will more
likely get affirmation from their subordinates rather
than truthfulness.
the Truth in Different Packages
The leader must
also recognize truth when it comes. It seldom will come
in a nice package and identify
itself as truth. Truth can come to us in the form of the unflattering opinions of others,
angry words, criticisms and even slander. The
speakers will almost always see themselves as telling
the truth. As King David
said in the passage above, sometimes the truth- teller will smite us. Nearly all
of these kinds of smiting events will have an element of truth that needs to be
discerned. The leader who is insecure will not glean the truth about
himself and his organization from these uncomfortable truth
events and can dishonor the person seeking to tell the
truth. Embraced truth will set us free no matter what package
comes in.
and Attitudes Reveal Values
The leader who
verbally encourages truthfulness must be prepared to continue his instruction when he actually
gets truthful feedback from his
subordinates. If the feedback comes in one of these
uncomfortable packages,
if he is not careful, he may shut down the flow of information to him
by his response. If he acts insecure, angry or quietly
withdraws from that
person, he teaches by his actions that he does not value truthfulness.
In other words, value
systems are always observable in the behavior of leaders. For instance, if the
leader judges the input of the truth-teller by how well he or she offered that input,
the leader will receive decreasing
truthfulness from those around him. He has taught by his
attitudes and behavior that
truthfulness is not valued. If individuals around him must earn the right to speak the
truth to him by proven loyalty, he is training and producing
subordinate leaders that will value loyalty over the truth. Leaders who have
been trained this way will speak very little truth to him and confuse affirmation
with truthful feedback. Neither
will they honor the truth-teller when he speaks to them.
the Truth Wisely
Because the truth is often
difficult to hear, it is necessary for those who feel
responsibility to speak truth to do it as wisely as possible. Failure to
do this insures that we will not
spiritually grow up. The Bible connects our
spiritual growth with speaking the truth. It tells us that
speaking must be out
of the motive of love. But speaking the truth in love, may
grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even
Christ… Ephesians 4:15 This means that the truth-teller must have
sincere concern for the person and organization that he is speaking
to. This is where truth telling becomes an
expression of love. In the military, the value system
of officers says that they should speak the truth to their
commanders. However, there is also a value that says loyalty
to the leader means that you speak to him in a way that does not
embarrass the leader or damage his reputation within the
military organization. Normally, that means
that confrontational truth is spoken in private and with
proper military courtesy. Conversely, the commander
has the responsibility to hear the truth no matter how poorly it was spoken by
the subordinate. This requires him to be secure in
himself and to earnestly desire the truth from his
subordinates. The reaction of the commander to
the subordinate’s truth-telling will teach the
subordinate whether or not he can continue
to speak the truth to this particular commander. The same
thing is true in the Church and all organizations. Leaders
must love the truth, even when it smites them, and appreciate
the truth-teller if they want all their subordinates to
continue keeping them properly informed. Leaders of local
churches and all organizations of the Church must
allow subordinates the right to speak the truth as they see
it. They must maintain a value system that honors
the person seeking to tell the truth. They must not see truth-telling as disloyal
behavior. Failure to do this will produce serious hidden problems within the
organizations of the Church and make the truthful person an
outcast. This cannot be what the Spirit of Truth,
the Spirit who allows nothing to be hidden desires in the churches and organizations of the Kingdom of
the Truth-teller, part 2
By Dr. Roger
W. Sapp
Values Produce
Predictable Behavior
Prior to 1993, I was an
active duty Army Chaplain. During that season in my life, I taught leadership skills to
officers and non-commissioned officers
in leadership retreats as a part of my ministry. I often used
management games to teach these
leaders about leadership. In one management game called "Powerplay", a
scenario is created where these leaders
were arbitrarily divided into groups by virtue of winning in a
trading scenario. The
winning group is then given authority over the other groups. The winning group is
given the right to make the rules for
future trading and to dictate these rules to the other groups.
Without exception, the group that
has the authority always begins to make rules to keep its authority and to
benefit it as a group in trading.
Given enough time the winning group will begin to clearly abuse the other groups. This group
will justify its behavior on the basis
of winning the earlier portion of the game and by virtue of having
the authority.
of Different Abused Groups
In those retreats
where non-commissioned officers (sergeants) were involved, the
sergeants would allow themselves to be abused.
Their overriding value was loyalty to the authority no matter
what transpired or how unfairly they were treated.
They were unhappy and grumbled among themselves during the
abuse but did not do anything productive to deal with it. They offered no
feedback, no confrontation, and no truth from their
perspective to the abusive group of sergeants. This
was characteristic of nearly all the sergeants that I played
this game with. This revealed that their values were highly
loyal but truthfulness was weak as a value. (Of course, there were a
few exceptional sergeants that would have been better officers
by nature.) The reactions of the officers in the officer
leadership retreats were entirely different. As the group
of officers who abused them became more abusive, the officers
became increasingly
active and alert to their responsibility to deal with the unfair
situation. They offered
feedback that was largely ignored. They
devised strikes; in other words, they withdrew and would not
cooperate with the abusive authority. They often
tried to continue to confront the abusive group.
They tried to negotiate a more just situation. In nearly all
cases, the group in authority would become increasingly
authoritarian and created more rules strictly for their own
benefit and to keep the rebels in line. The abusive
group would often say that the other officer groups were not
playing fair when they rebelled, withdrew or failed to
cooperate. In other words, the group with the authority became
blind to their abuse and blamed the abused groups for
withdrawing and not wanting to play the game anymore.
Valuing Truth Results in Blindness
Blindness is
characteristic of organizations and leaders that do not
value truthfulness in their relationships. This is
because truth telling has been stifled
in a loyalty-based organizations or individuals. Because
there is no honest feedback, they will often be blind to their
abusive behavior and honestly wonder why others are
reacting. There will be no one to tell them that it
is wrong to shift the blame for difficulties in the relationships
to the victims of their abusive
behavior. The value of truth is what keeps a local church or any
organization from becoming like a cult. Honoring
the truth-teller is a characteristic of godly
relationships. Dishonoring the truth-teller is a
characteristic of cults. Cultic behavior, which always includes blindness, will result from an
overemphasis of loyalty above the truth.
Leaders must understand that their own desire for loyalty
may overcome truthfulness in their subordinates.
They must actively cultivate truthfulness along with loyalty
in their subordinates.
Values and Expectations
This game also revealed
that different kinds of people have different values and
expectations. Commissioned Officers are taught in
the military that proper submission means that they will speak
to the superior officer with courage and candor (truthfulness)
about organizational problems. Officers who will not
confront their commander when necessary are poor excuses for leaders.
Commanders who will not hear the honest, truthful input of
their subordinates without penalty are
poor commanders. The officer type of leader expects
to be treated well by other leaders. He expects his
input to be valued and genuinely considered. When
the behavior of an organization and its primary leaders do not
match the officer type leader’s values, he will withdraw
or try negotiation. If the negotiation fails, he
will leave the organization and move
on, similar to an officer resigning his commission. The
officer type of leader will want to fix the
organization’s larger problems and will
not ordinarily be silent about them. If the organizational
values lean too far to loyalty
and not enough on truthfulness, this type of leader will often
be seen as not being a team player and be penalized by being
privately labeled as
such. As a result the organization may lose this
valuable leader as he discovers the truth of how the
organization actually sees him. The sergeant type of
leader will remain loyal to a fault. He will adjust
to the problems and not necessary ever speak truthfully to
the organization. There is nothing wrong with this
type of person; in fact, they are greatly needed in all
organizations. However, in unhealthy organizations, the sergeant type of leader
is valued above the officer type of leader. The officer type of
person can help an organization to deal with its problems and
therefore grow. If an organization creates
an atmosphere for genuine honesty and truthfulness, it will
attract many of the officer types of persons and will be able
to keep them. It will not lose its sergeant types either. In fact, the
sergeant type of leader will be much happier since problems will be dealt
with. Loyal and truthful leaders will ensure that
the Church will be prepared to meet the One who
declared Himself to be the way, the truth, and the
When Loyalty Overcomes Truthfulness
Loyalty and truthfulness are two covenant values that must
be held in tension
against one another. Loyalty binds us together. The
truth sets us
free. If one value is emphasized over the other, then serious
problems develop and both values
will become distorted. If loyalty is overemphasized, then only affirmation will
be given and heard as feedback.
If truth telling is practiced without love and without loyalty, it does not build but tears
down. If truthfulness is considered a fundamental component of
loyalty, then the organization will
be built on integrity. If loyalty is considered a fundamental
component of truthfulness, then the
organization will have true unity. Often in an organization, whether it is the
local church, a business, a denomination,
or a fellowship of churches, loyalty becomes the overriding value and begins to overcome
truthfulness. This is often revealed in private words, actions and
attitudes rather than the official
position of the organization. The leaders of an organization
may say that they value truthfulness
but reveal in their actions that this
is not really so. There are several predictable results when this
Truth-Tellers are Unappreciated.
Individuals who strongly value honesty and truthfulness are
unappreciated, and often rejected as
disloyal. Some people are particularly oriented to
truthfulness and may be seen as not being team players by
those who highly value loyalty. This may create a
value conflict in the organization between the truth-tellers
and those who highly prize loyalty. The loyalty
value normally wins over truthfulness in these kinds of
situations because those in authority will often value loyalty over
truthfulness. When the loyalty value
wins over truth, it often takes the form of a suppression of
free expression, particularly dissent. This does not
make the elements of truth in dissent go away; truth will surface again
and again in different, even more destructive forms, until it is dealt
with properly.
This is precisely why political tyrants are unable to
completely silence free expression and why they feel the need
to silence it. The truth will find a way to express
itself simply because it is the truth and God stands behind
Training of Subordinates
Every time loyalty wins
over truthfulness, loyal individuals are unintentionally trained by the leadership to
hide the truth or to put an organizational
spin on it. Truthful individuals are trained that they
are not really welcome.
Perceptions are created that success and promotion in the organization comes by
telling the leadership what they want
to hear rather than the truth. Loyal yes men can seem to
become valued over
those who have strong individual integrity and truthfulness.
of a False Righteousness
The loyalty-based local
church or any organization can defend its righteousness at a
high cost to the reputation of individuals. Often
the organization fails to deal with its failures in a
scriptural way. Instead the organization
may blame its failures on the person it failed, even
unfairly damaging the person’s reputation.
The truth is sacrificed to the need of the organization to maintain a false
appearance of not making any serious mistakes.
Organizational problems are defended when they are brought to
light by distorting the truth by putting an organizational spin on
it. In contrast, the
balancing value of truth persuades all Kingdom organizations
to repent, confess their failures, fix their problems and seek
forgiveness of the persons that they
failed. When failures are handled in a godly way,
grace, forgiveness and mercy flow into relationships
and healing occurs. When the organization defends
its failures at the cost of the reputation of individuals,
then it becomes a revolving door type of organization.
Revolving Door Organizations
Weakness in the value of truthfulness produces a revolving
door type of organization
over a period of time. Individuals come into the
organization, then after perceiving
the truth, they try to adjust the organization
or adjust to the organization. Often after becoming
disillusioned by the reality, they
leave the organization. Those who do stay long-term within the organization may
also prize loyalty above truth.
However, because problems are hidden and often neglected, they
create hidden turmoil and strife for
these people as well. Hidden disunity becomes a way of life for the loyal
members of the organization.
They tolerate each other for the sake of the organization. Only open conflict
is considered disunity after a time.
Key Leaders in Crisis
The revolving door organization becomes a house of cards over a period
of time because of hidden problems
and disunity. A key leader may have a profound dealing from the Spirit of Truth
and wake up to the seriousness
of the organization’s hidden problems. This can
create a destructive
crisis between leaders as a key leader begins to speak the
truth in a loyalty-based
organization. Truth must be highly valued or the integrity of an organization becomes
weakened and cannot maintain its
membership. Loyalty alone cannot keep an organization
together. Truth will
always be necessary for long-term success.
Reputation Saturation Points
The reputation of the organization will begin to suffer for
failure to listen to
the truth. Many people will come through the revolving door
over a period of time.
They will know the details of the problems of the organization and the
organization’s capacity to hide or to put a spin on them. They may have become
embittered by the organization sacrificing
their reputations to maintain its own. The organizational
growth stops and begins a long and
steady decline because of reaching a reputation saturation point with many people
speaking badly about the organization’s
treatment of individuals and failure to deal with problems. The loyalty-based
organization, however, will be blind to the real reasons for its decline. This
is because it has few truth-tellers anymore. Its spiritual eyes have
been dishonored and are now gone. It will offer alternative explanations and
shift the blame once again.
Sincere Relationships in the Church
The concept of sincerity may be the best blend of the values
of loyalty and
truthfulness. A sincere person is a person who out of loyalty
to God and others
speaks the truth without mixture. The word sincere comes from
the Latin word sincerus. It literally means without
wax. This word
comes from the time when the Romans were building great buildings
using marble columns to support the
weight of these monumental buildings.
The builders would go to the marble cutters in the quarries
and inspect the columns. The cutters
would put wax in the cracks of columns
to make them deceptively appear to be solid in order to sell
them. The builders could
only use the sincere columns to build with. The columns that were what they appeared to
be, that were actually solid,
without wax hiding cracks, were the only thing that would sustain
the weight of the
building. If a builder built a building using a column that lacked sincerity, the entire
building could fall down. The parallels are evident. The Spirit
of Truth needs sincere people to build
the Church; people that value loyalty and truthfulness in harmony
with each other.
This concludes the three part series.
See: Spiritual Abuse Page for the subject of spiritual abuse