Tribulation brings suffering Suffering teaches us obedience Through obedience we receive the Holy Spirit With the Holy Spirit comes joy and power That joy is our strength and we can abound in hope That hope is to be settled, restored and established in peace and have an excellent future here on earth That future is to enter the "Kingdom of God (Yahweh)" and overcome the world, while in the world through love
Many Christians want to enter into the promises of God (Yahweh)
like the unsaved do, without going through the necessary steps of trials
and suffering, when even Jesus learned obedience through the things he
suffered Hebrews 5:8. Others wish to continue suffering long past its usefulness.
Jesus didn’t author suffering, our sin did Romans 5:12.
In John 16:33 it says, "in the world we will have tribulation", but by entering into Jesus’ overcoming we will have his peace: in James 1:2 the joy in tribulation is not for the tribulation, but for the deliverance from it; also in 1st Corin. 10:13 we are promised, that if we ask he has provided a way of escape for us from every temtation. The reason for the tribulation is so the love of Yahweh can go from our hearts gushing into torrents of love from the Holy Spirit Romans 5:5. Don’t be surprised at the fiery trials, because that’s how we enter the "Kingdom of Yahweh (God)" 1st Peter 4:12&13.
Jesus actually wants our obedience, not our suffering, as some have though their suffering to be a sacrifice; later to find he only wanted us to obey and actually stop suffering 1st Samuel 15:22. Jesus came to set us free from suffering Isaiah 61:1.2. Affliction is to be accompanied by great joy 2nd Corin. 8:2; 1st Thess. 1:6. If you have received the affliction without the great joy of knowing resolution is on the way, then you are missing something.
Now we are going to see how closely related obedience, the Holy Spirit, joy and power are: Yahweh gives the Holy Spirit to those that obey him Acts 5:32. The Holy Spirit, Joy and power with peace in hope come together as a package Romans 14:17; 15:13 Acts 13:52; 1:8; Luke 24:49. Since we know that "the joy of the Lord is our strength" Nehemiah 8:10, we can say that obedience brings joy and strength.
Yahweh desires to personally settle, restore and establish us and give us hope and a future as he promises in 1st Peter 5:10 and Jeremiah 29:11. That hope and future is to enter "the kingdom of God" here on earth, and be like him with a transformed soul, rooted and grounded in love, dead to sin, doing greater works than Jesus prospering, in everything: health, relationships, with wealth John 14:12; 1st John 3:2; 3rd John 2; 2nd Peter 1:19; Eph. 3:17; Luke 9:3&10:9; Matt. 19:29; Mark 10:29,30 and Romans 6:11&13.
MT.Tabor: Jim
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