Before its take
over by Church of Scientology, C.A.N.
was a Washington based 'ministry' started by ex-cult members and their
family members in order to inform U.S.citizens about cults. C.A.N. was
a national, tax-exempt non-profit educational organization, "dedicated
to promoting public awareness of the harmful effects of mind control.
confined its concerns to unethical or illegal practices and did not
doctrine or belief". They were not affiliated to either a religious
or the government, and they were funded only by voluntary
Therefore, they were not above listing psuedo Christian organizations
practicing cult-like activity.
are some useful outside articles of a general nature about cults:
of Cultic?
by Craig Branch. Very nice introduction with book recommendations at
do [Spiritually Abusive] Churches and Cults Have in Common?
an article about spiritually abusive systems, adapted from the book
"The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse" by David Johnson and Jeff
Cult Church
by Marlene Jones-Skurtu
a brief description and introduction to cults and cult leader mentality
The Master Manipulator
an excerpt from the book "Captive
Hearts, Captive Minds"
by Madeleine Landau Tobias and Janja Lalich.
Mind Control Tactics
This short description on FactNet comes from Dr. Margaret Singer,
acknowledged leading authority in the world on mind control and cults.
of Trust- When faith and parenting fail
Memorial to a deceased daughter after the parent's involvement in a
Contains many good links for spiritual abuse and cults.
Recovery from cults:
Below are useful outside links:
Recovery from Spiritual Abuse
How you can help
REST ministries-- lists resources for recovery
Deception Overswing-- short article about rejecting those things associated with prior deception, even if they be 'good' things. is a ministry
which offers various e-mail lists for current or former cult-members,
some recovery lists for former members, and lists for family members or
those affected by cults (some lists are invitation-only). You may find
out about these free resources at:
The following websites (all
outsite links) have been promoted as informational for reporting on
as compared to the tenets of the Christian faith. Since cults or
groups often have a false front and are not generally
with what they actually believe or practice, research and
by ministries such as the ones below are highly valuable.
from Let Us Reason Ministries
-an outreach ministry to the Islands of Hawaii and to the world
lists the different Christian Cults and aberrational groups, plus links
Apologetics Index
Apologia Report
Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
for Truth
(Run by a former member of the International Churches of Christ)
Watchman Fellowship
The ministries above may help prepare one to recognize false doctrine. However, doctrinal 'correctness' or 'incorrectness' can be a judgment call that is based more on individual interpretation or bias than on objective reasoning. There are also groups who seem to be 'orthodox' yet who practice spiritual abuse just the same. That is why it is important to develop your own discernment.
In any case, though we can assume that no one is absolutely doctrinally 'perfect' (We know in part...). there are other signs and symptoms to cult-like groups other than the usual clear or perceived doctrinal error. It is in fact possible to recognize early cult-like signs and as a result, leave a group before the more blatant symptoms. Our hierarchy page may help the reader with the task of discerning before or beyond doctrine alone.
There are many books available to help in this task. One is Twisted
Scriptures by Mary Alice Chrnalogara, a self-help book
designed to
help victims under mind control to set themselves free. The following
some other examples of books that have been recommended in regards to
Although we have not read all of them ourselves yet, we still post
here for benefit of anyone who needs it:
Combatting Cult Mind Control
Steve Hassan, Park Street Press, Rochester, VT, 1988 |
Cults and Consequences: The Definitive Handbook, Rachel Andres and James R. Lane, Jewish Federation Council of Los Angeles, 1988 | Influence,
Robert B. Cialdini, William Morrow, New York, 1984 |
Cults In Our Midst: The Hidden Menace in our
Everyday Lives
Margaret T. Singer, Ph.D., 1995, Jossey-Bass Publishers |
Recovery from Cults,
edited by Michael D. Langone, 1993, W. W. Norton |
Captive Hearts, Captive Minds
Madeleine Tobias and Janja Lalich,1994, Hunter House |
Churches That Abuse,
Ronald M. Enroth, Zondervan Publishing House |
Cults, Sects and the New Age
Rev. James LeBar, Our Sunday Vistor, 1989 |
Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A study of brainwashing in China, Robert Jay Lifton, M.D., Univ. of North Carolina Press |
NOTE: some 'discernment ministries' may change from their
original intent,
using cult-tactics themselves and even becoming cults. A case in point
may be the Christian
Institute ( This troubled ministry has
mired in the controversies
that have beset Hank Hanegraaff since he became president of the
Research Institute (CRI), after the death of its founder, Walter Martin
(June 26, 1989).
CRI Connection ( is
Walter Martin's
Infonet, run by his daughter, Jill Rische, and her husband Kevin.
See: The
Critical Spirit by George D.
Watson, D.D
"This article was written and published at
the beginning
of this century. Its content, however, is timeless. The vocabulary and
grammar may seem unusual, but the message is clear."