Many wonderful people, both Christians and non-Christians, are in the grips of alcoholism or addiction.This page is dedicated to those people and their loved ones.
Some would like to believe that becoming a Christian will automatically solve all our problems or difficulties, no matter what they are. This is often not the case. Both alcoholism and the grip of addiction are complex problems which defy simplistic solutions.
If you think Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotic Anonymous is not
'spiritual enough' for your loved one, think again. Many churches could
learn from the simple honesty in their meetings. If you want to
go to a meeting but are afraid of being preached at, just remember that
both AA and NA are not associated with any institutionalized church.
There is no one there who hasn't been there himself, and so there is no
there to judge you. There is no Bible thumping or push for money.
Bum On The Bridge
This dynamic testimony was scanned in for our Website. I knew this guy--It's all true!
Alcoholics Victorious
Founded in 1948, Alcoholics Victorious
support groups offer a safe environment where recovering people who
recognize Jesus Christ as their "Higher Power" can gather together and
share their experience, strength and hope. Both the Twelve Steps
and the Alcoholics Victorious Creed are used at most AV meetings.
Christians in Recovery
Almost everyone has the need to recover from or overcome something in
their lives. Christians in Recovery, Inc. (CIR) is an organization
dedicated to mutual sharing of strength and hope as we live each day in
recovery. We work to regain and maintain balance and order in our lives
through active discussion of the 12 Steps, the Bible, and experiences
our own recovery from abuse, family dysfunction, depression, anxiety,
grief, relationships and/or addictions of alcohol, drugs, food,
pornography etc. See also our abuse page for the subject of abuse.
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence - NCADD - fights the stigma and the disease of alcoholism and other drug addictions
Some Alcohol–Online Tests from GetFit
International Coalition For Drug Awareness at
from world health watchdog warns of addiction risk for Prozac users
By Robert Mendick 29 April 2001
"A league table of withdrawal and dependency side-effects,
published by the WHO [that's World Health Organization], shows that
drugs including Prozac and Seroxat have produced far more
complaints from patients than old-fashioned tranquillisers prescribed
by doctors in the 1970s. Campaigners say this proves that
the drugs called SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors),
including Prozac, are more addictive than tranquillisers such as
Quoted from Alcohol Cravings Induced via Increased Serotonin at:
"There is an alarming connection between alcoholism and the various
prescription drugs that increase serotonin. The most popular of those
and the new diet pills, FEN-PHEN and REDUX. For seven years numerous
reports have been made by reformed alcoholics (some for 15 years and
longer) who are being "driven" to alcohol again after being prescribed
one of these drugs. And many other patients who had no previous history
of alcoholism have continued to report an "overwhelming
compulsion" to drink while using these drugs."
I once worked with a therapist named Perry who was also a recovering Cocaine/Alcohol addict. He described his life in addiction as "being in a in Nazi concentration camp. I would think I got out of it, but then I would wake up the next day to find out I was back in it" He also told me that he tried an atheistic A.A. group while he lived in Florida. The day he first tried praying to God despite his atheistic views, was the first day he had no cravings.
Page created/maintained by Teri Lee Earl
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