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In the hands of man, things of the Spirit can and do end in the flesh. Throughout history the Lord has left behind corrupted, hardened wineskins for new ground. As believers realize the sad state of affairs within a hardened wine skin, some stay to try to 'leaven' a little Kingdom of God behind enemy lines. Others leave. Here in the United States, so many people are fed up with tepid preachings, false teachings, compromises with the world, and spiritual abuse that they are leaving in droves, only to be thought of as 'prodigals' on the way out. Even pastors are leaving the Protestant version of Organized Religion!

The hidden 'prophets'-- the 'ordinary' God-seeking believer, have known of this 'exodus' ahead of time. God Himself has called out to various grass roots efforts, with virtually no trumpet call or fanfare. Yet it is not that spectacular that some people have known ahead of time, for it is God's choice to reveal and it makes no one extra special no matter what their calling. Just check the fig tree for the fruit and you can see the same.

Because of the spiritual malaise, we may actually get fed up enough to desire revival. Revival will minister to our needs for real Christianity, as well as those of the unbeliever. However, be careful of various distractions. Presently there are advertisements from newly 'renewal affiliated' folks for $175 per head for beginning prophetic conferences (meals included, this time) —up from $25 only a few years ago. And when you get there they may mention King Arthur more than Jesus. Perhaps later on, someone will 'knight' your husband or brother or elder with a sword marked "Excalibur."

There are so many who will teach you what you need to know, on the East coast and the West! There will be so many voices calling, and they will tell you will learn great things and get their anointing as they pray over you—for a price. You will hear about the Reformation, the Restoration, the Last Great Apostles, the End-Time Prophets-- more than you ever dreamed of. They will give you the world, if you will only follow them! I urge you to consider well before you reach into your pocket for the going rate. Be wary of what you are buying and question whether you should be buying at all! Don't quench the Spirit or despise prophecy, but "test all things."

As some announce a return to the early church, be careful to check their ultimate goal. Any virtual 'bishop' over individual churches in a city is a different kind of unity than local pastors who meet to pray and support one another as ministers following the command of Christ to love one another. If anyone wants to set up a Protestant version of the Roman Church just prior to and after Constantine, that is their choice—just please let the people know your agenda! Organized alliances are not the only way in which these things can be realized. Any new individual fellowship can disintegrate into cult-like rule if no one heeds to the Biblical pattern of mutual accountability and openness under Christ. This is the way it has always been.

Watch for the foundational teachings, the hype and the spiritual pride everywhere, even amongst the 'critics'. Did you know the Shakers thought they were the dawn of New Testament Christianity, as well as the Millenial reign of Christ on earth? Did you know their early writings despised the Roman Catholic corruption during the thousand years after Constantine's conversion? This fringe group criticized the corrupt established church, and fancied themselves in spirit with the heretics persecuted by the Roman Church!91 How many times in history have we had criticism without understanding, only to find the 'critics' became like those whom they criticized? This is the end result of spiritual pride.

Nevertheless, so many will enthusiastically believe they are the latest and greatest like the earliest-for-the-first-time ever, or both. Don't be easily taken in during these Last Days. Remember, neither the disappointment of 'critic' McNamer over the Kentucky Revival, nor Meacham 's positive-only embrace of all things supernatural guaranteed their stay in orthodox, Biblically-grounded, Christianity.
Footnote #91  pp. 253, Women, family, and utopia: communal experiments of the Shakers, the Oneida Community, and the Mormons, by Lawrence Foster. Quote:
"The earliest Shaker theological treatises such as the Testimony of Christ's Second Appearing, include the characteristic Protestant attack on Roman Catholic corruption during the thousand years after Constantine's conversion, criticized medieval monasticism for becoming part of the corrupt established church, and link themselves in spirit with the heretics persecuted by the Roman Church."

© Copyright 2000  by Teri Lee Earl All Rights Reserved

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