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Guidelines To Basic Biblical Interpretation

On this site, we try to follow these
Guidelines To Basic Biblical Interpretation:

  1. Interpret a verse or set of verses in its context (the surrounding verses or chapters.)
  2. Interpret a passage in light of its probable meaning to the persons, or 'audience' to whom it was originally written. For instance, consider the customs and events taking place when it was written. The exception might be prophecy, especially end-time prophesy (Daniel 12:4).
  3. Interpret a passage in light of all other Scripture. In other words, don't try to quote one or two passages as 'proof' of something which is in disagreement with the rest of the Bible, or with what we know to be true of God from other Scripture.
  4. Do not use an obscure passage to disprove another passage with clear and obvious meaning. Similarly, do not 'hang' an entire doctrine or broad sweeping assumptions on one or two obscure or unrelated passages.
  5. Interpret a passage according to the best use of the original language.
  6. Do not take a passage which has a principle set forth in the passage, and try to use it to deny, discount, or reverse that same principle.
  7. According to scripture, the ministry of the Holy Spirit includes guiding believers into all the truth (John 16:13), for He is called the Spirit of Truth. His anointing also "teaches us about all things" and presumably, would not be upon the deception taught by false teachers; we are dependent on Him alone for truth (1 John 2:25-27). Therefore, the best understanding of Scripture is through and under the ministry of the Holy Spirit, as we abide in Jesus (1 John 2:28-29)

Note: This adapted with permission from an original e-mail message by Dr. John Painter

About the content hosted on our Website and the content we link to:

We try to have high standards about the overall spiritual content or spiritual 'health' of the web pages we link to, but of course we cannot be responsible for what is on other people's websites. Some of these teachings may challenge traditional paradigms, and we do not apologize for that. However, we are very concerned that we remain in line with scripture, of course. Please contact us if you have a complaint or concern.

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